The CX driven Operating Model

Going beyond the CX strategy The most common technique associated with CX is customer journey mapping and persona profiling, but this gives us partial results since it focuses on the outside-in story without revealing the inside-out story, which is responsible to produce the experience. Therefore, the real key to create

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Customer Experience Metrics Aren’t Enough: Storytelling Is Your Superpower

Strong customer experience leads to business growth, but it’s up to CX leaders to tell the right story. A large majority of CEOs (seven out of 10, according to a KPMG study) anticipate a recession will disrupt anticipated growth. Customer experience leaders should hear this as an alarm. Leaders need to

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Proving ROI in CX: A step-by-step guide for practitioners

How CX leaders can secure budget and prove the ROI of their 2023 strategies CX practitioners know that memorable experiences drive repeat business – but CFOs can be harder to convince. It means no CX project will see the light of day without hard facts and figures to get it

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5 banking customer experience trends to consider for 2023

Banks that consistently optimize the customer experience grow faster. Here are trends and best practices to help guide your CX strategy—and drive customer relationships that last. Banks that consistently optimize the customer experience grow 3.2x faster than competitors that don’t. And with over 50 percent of consumers reporting that they will switch to a

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12 Banking Customer Experience Trends to Watch in 2023

Customer experience (CX) is the defining competitive differentiator in the banking industry today, and for good reason: Financial institutions that invest in the customer experience in banking have higher rates of recommendation, greater wallet share, and are more likely to up-sell or cross-sell products and services to existing customers. This has

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Engaged Employees Create Better Customer Experiences

Summary.    It’s time for leaders to double down on the idea that the employee experience (EX) is now the key driver of the customer experience (CX) and find smarter, strategic ways of connecting the two. According to PwC, companies that invest in and deliver superior experiences to both consumers and employees are

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The Power of Customer-Focused Leadership

Delivering an amazing customer experience starts at the top with customer-focused leadership. Companies winning in customer experience are led by people obsessed with the customer experience and putting customers first in everything they do. These leaders set the tone with their words and actions to make customers central to every

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The Power of ‘WOW’​ Moments

WOW… We’ve all experienced it at least once. That moment when something comes into your sphere that you involuntarily open your mouth in that ‘O’ shape and the only word you can produce is ‘WOW’. But have you ever really paused long enough to REALLY notice how you feel in

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